Milton RAIL’s Meeting with Lisa Raitt – August 5, 2015 – 11:00 a.m.

Milton RAIL met with Lisa Raitt on August 5, to address the issue of the proposed CN Intermodal Logistics Hub.
Lisa was supportive, informative and most helpful. Milton RAIL looks forward to meeting with Lisa again, as we are putting together more questions regarding the Panel Review Board process.
Milton RAIL learned last week that Lisa Raitt signed the Milton RAIL and Milton Says No Petition against the proposed CN intermodal and are pleased to have her support. Lisa’s office has acknowledged her support in the response letter below.
Milton RAIL thanks Lisa Raitt and her office for their support against the proposed CN Intermodal Logistics Hub. We recognize that Lisa is currently our MP for Halton and the Minister of Transport and has recused herself from this file, so she can advocate as the Member of Parliament on behalf of her constituents who are opposed to this proposal.
Milton RAIL restates that we are a nonpartisan group and we are not interested in swaying political positions in Halton. We plan to meet with each of the constituents in the Halton Area.
We ask that all constituents making a stand against the proposed CN Intermodal Facility during their election campaign continue to do so after the election. As residents of Halton we believe it is important for you to continue to oppose this facility regardless of your political standing.
Milton RAIL recognizes that we still have several weeks until the election date and is continuing to work through this process and remain focused on our goal – to stop proposed CN Intermodal Logistics Hub.
We have more than two years to continue this long journey to stop the proposed CN Intermodal Terminal.
Excerpt from letter received from Lisa Raitt’s office:
Thank you once again for the opportunity to meet with you earlier this month and we would like to follow up on a few items stemming from the meeting.
As you know, as the Minister of Transport, Lisa recused herself from this file, so she can advocate as the Member of Parliament on behalf of her constituents who are opposed to this proposal.
Lisa also spoke directly with the Minister of Environment and communicated the communities opposition to this proposal. It was this conversation that led the Environment Minister to demand this project be referred to a review by an independent panel.
This process, which will take up to two years, will now give the opportunity to Milton residents to voice their opposition to the project directly with those that are conducting the assessment.
Lisa has also signed the petition against the proposal.
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