Milton R.A.I.L. - Residents Affected by Intermodal Lines

In 2001
In 2001 Milton RAIL's mission was to research existing and proposed intermodal sites in North America and their effect on area municipalities. To summarize the possible effect a CN Intermodal Terminal on Milton residents and make the information available to the public. We have done this.
March 2015 Announcement
RAIL members were present for the initial announcement of the proposed intermodal hub in March 2015. We made our voices heard at the meeting and let it be known that Halton Residents did not want the yard in 2001 and they still don't want it, we have not changed our position.
Milton RAIL, is not opposed to intermodal transport we understand it's role in our society. However, we recognise that a facility such as this belongs on industrial land with the infrastructure to support it, and it MUST have IMMEDIATE access to a major highway.
The proposed terminal is 11.5 km from either of the major HWY's; begin HWY 401 and the QEW. It is also 7.5 km from the HWY 407, however we realize it is unlikely that any trucks would use this route.CN needs to find a more appropriate location.
RAIL continues to reseach and share information regarding intermodal terminals. Updates, and action items are listed on our website, facebook page, twitter as well as through our private email list.
Hon. Minister Wilkinson, we ask you to reverse your decision: Refuse Approval of the CN Hub
Minister Wilkinson is quoted on Twitter saying, "Help us build a healthier, fairer, and more resilient future that we can be proud to pass on to our children and grandchildren."
Prime Minister Trudeau stated, "Canadians don't have to choose between clean air and good jobs. This strengthened climate plan will help us build a healthier, fairer, and more resilient future that we can be proud to pass on to our children and grandchildren."
We, as Canadian citizens and residents of Halton, want to believe those statements to be truthful. However, approving the CN logistic hub makes us feel those statements are only relevant in select situations and do not include us. We ask where is the fairness in that?
We consider all Canadians' health and lives matter, and we believe you do too! Please make that a truthful statement for all Canadians inclusively.

Adam van Koeverden MP Milton, voicing the stand of Milton and Halton residents to Ottawa.
Milton RAIL, Milton Residents Affected by Intermodal Lines will continue to stand unanimously in opposition to the CN Logistic Hub together with Regional Municipality of Halton, Town of Milton, Town of Oakville, City of Burlington, Town of Halton Hills and our fellow community group Milton Says No.
We invite you share this information with all of your friends, family and co-workers across Halton and across Canada.
The outcome of this project creates a precedent for future rail developments; and all residents need to be protected. Voicing your concern and standing in support of our cause helps to protect your communities' future too!
Please write a letter to Hon. Minister Wilkinson to write a letter in your own words voice your concern.
Visit for a list of email address. There are two letter samples for those who have been requesting assistance with a letter.
Thank you everyone for your continued support. Please send your email letter today.
Link to FB Milton Oxygen:
Interview with Adam van Koeverden MP Milton​
We are asking the Government Miltionians do not want CN project at their town, MP Adam will respond. Please share and ask your questions live.
Thursday, January 28 1:00 pm
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Link to FB Milton Oxygen:
Ramy Botros interviews Rita Vogel Post, Milton RAIL (Residents Affected by Intermodal Lines)
Thank you to Ramy Botros of Milton Oxygen for your interview about the CN Hub.
To our amazing residents of Milton and Halton Region, I was at a loss for words this morning when I opened the Milton RAIL email. There are dozens of email messages cc’d to us, and we Thank you! We haven’t even read them all yet but we will.
I want to thank everyone for contributing. The letters are lovely, some technical, others personal and passionate, all are moving and sincere. They are real, each a perfect and brilliant testimony to your passion towards having this project decision reversed and protecting our community.
In last night’s Milton Oxygen FB Interview, we asked residents to send letters to the Honourable Ministers; Prime Minister Trudeau, Hon. Minister Wilkinson, Hon. Minister Algabra, Adam van Koeverden MP, Parm Gill, MP (and more) Details are on
The letters are a true testament of our great community and demonstrate our commitment to families and protecting a future for our children and grandchildren.
Please continue to share the video and the information on our FB page and website.
It’s not over—we stand up for our community.
It truly is fantastic to see what a community can do together, let’s fill those email inboxes and have our voices heard!
Please SHARE and DO PARTICIPATE – It’s NOT over, we thank you!
Please visit and LIKE​

January 21, 2021
with 325 Conditions:
Hon. Minister Wilkinson said, "Help us build a healthier, fairer, and more resilient future that we can be proud to pass on to your children and grandchildren."
That is what our community has stood up for for twenty years and now that has been taken away from us.
Approval of the CN Hub in Milton is not fair and hypocritical.
Respectfully send your comments to our Minsiter of Environment, Hon. Minister Jonathan Wilkinson.
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